Who we work with
Community learning
MBL is very experienced at delivering community learning with partners in Hampshire and Surrey. Our learning programmes offer supported, informal learning opportunities for building new skills and confidence, with a particular focus on supporting employability.
Delivery focuses on a range of short learning programmes alongside 1-1 mentoring support. We are flexible in our delivery, working in community bases which are familiar and accessible to participants. Learning programmes focus on employability and include basic ICT skills, Confidence in Returning to Work and Communication Skills as well as our short vocational courses.
Participants should have high expectations of MBL. Our teaching and mentoring approaches empower participants to raise their expectations and take responsibility for their learning and achievements. As well as developing news skills to improve employability options, learners improve “soft skills” such as self esteem and confidence.
Current partners include First Wessex and Samuel Cody Specialist Sports College;community partners benefit from working with us by extending their offer to their clients, increased success and achievement for clients and effective networking for future development.
Case study: Community programme
Debbie worked with MBL on a community programme in Surrey focussing on areas of multiple disadvantage. This programme offered short courses and information and advice to encourage adults with low self-esteem into work, volunteering or further learning.
Debbie initially joined a confidence building course at a local children’s centre and quickly enrolled on a second course to help her numeracy skills. Encouraged and motivated by her experiences with MBL, Debbie enrolled at a local adult learning centre and passed her National Numeracy Tests at Levels 1 and 2 within a year.
As a result of her training and new found confidence, she was employed by the children’s centre as a part-time support worker in their family room, encouraging other parents and carers into learning and volunteering.
“The course has improved my confidence. I’m not so worried any more. I will remember the tips from the course and try to keep practising.”
“The learners are always great and come along with enthusiasm to take part in whatever the activity. For us the brilliant thing is that people just need encouragement and a bit of a boost to their confidence. Towards the end of the course, you can see them participating more, answering questions and even starting to ask questions.”
MBL Tutor