Skills development


Skills development

We believe that high quality teaching and mentoring help someone to build their confidence and develop skills they don’t realise they have!  We recognise the barriers many adults face in returning to learning and work; we are responsive in making skills development an inclusive and empowering experience for everyone.

Programmes are developed to suit different contexts and needs with the emphasis on developing employability skills, alongside building “softer skills” such as confidence and self-esteem, problem solving and work ethics.

As well as our short courses to support vocational training, our current programme includes Building Confidence, Using IT to Apply for Work, Basic Budgeting and Interview Techniques.  Group sizes are small, typically 6 – 10, and courses run for 6-10 hours making them accessible and manageable for learners.

Mentoring is an important element of MBL’s delivery and underpins both our courses and our 1 to 1 service. We believe that a successful mentoring relationship empowers participants to achieve their personal goals, with the mentor encouraging and guiding to support this personal achievement.  

We set high standards for the quality of our delivery; participants should have high expectations of their experience with MBL. Here are just a few of the reasons why….

100% achievement of learning goals for participants who engage with MBL

“I have not worked for 15 years and felt that no one would want to employ me and I felt low. The Reach Out key worker bought out the skills I have and made me feel much more confident and motivated”

Reach Out participant 

“I know this course will help these individuals progress to Level 1 which is the level they need before they can be considered for promotion.”

Mary Robertson
Army Education Skills for Life at Work